All tagged love

I feel grateful for the magic, for the gift, for nature, for this delightful moment, and so glad that I can simultaneously feel gratitude and sadness. I can feel it all, with Love.

Life update

I am grateful to be on the beginning side of things once again. Deeply breathing in the clear cool mountain air with gratitude, delicious anticipation, and an expertly made latte in my hand.

Every Tear Shed in Grief was born of Love

Most of us want to turn away from grief. Most do. We live in a time and an “antiaging” culture that does everything it can to try to convince us that we, and our loved ones, can avoid aging and death.

We can’t.

Grief is a lost art.
Grief can be so beautiful.
Grief can be cathartic.
Grief is necessary for healing.
Grief is Love in action.

So, how do we grieve?

I can tell you for certain that avoidance and distraction are not the way. Pretending not to be sad is not the way. Trying not to think about it is not the way.Denying your feelings or the feelings of others is not the way.

Accepting life on life’s terms

Resistance causes suffering. Acceptance, non-resistance, allows me to freely move through the feelings as they arise. Judgement and criticism are the actions of resistance. Compassion and curiosity are the actions of acceptance. Awareness is the magical tool that assists me in knowing when I am in resistance or acceptance. Gentleness with myself and others has been most important, and I have kept it close at hand this week.

Love is exactly what we need right now

Love acts as a vacuum drawing forth anything unlike Love to be healed. This is what we are experiencing. We have to see it to heal it, we have to feel it to heal it. There is no escaping it. So we may as well turn and face it, look it straight in the eyes and ask, ‘What is Love trying to show me and teach me. What does Love want me to know and do?’

Love does not Lie - a Rant on Positivity

This might be a wildly unpopular notion, and it might not even sound nice; still, we have got to stop this positivity trend. Because here's the thing: Love is never going to ask you to lie. Love doesn't want you to be dishonest. All of these messages about staying positive are not messages of Love. The truth is if you feel sad, feel sad, and if you are grieving, grieve. If you are tired and weary and worn out from all of this, then feel that. Feel whatever you are feeling, stay in the flow. Don't resist your own disappointment, outrage, anger, frustration, overwhelm, because when you do that, it's like you're trying to shove a bunch of beach balls under water all at one time, and it doesn't work.