The Ministry of Self-Love

Contribute to the expansion of love in our world by first expanding your love of self.

”Tracey Lee embodies the energy and joy of Love and shares it fearlessly. She cuts through the BS and unapologetically insists that you recognize the beauty that lives inside you. It’s there. She sees you, hears you, Loves you, and shines a light into your being so that you can see it too. Her warmth and love emanate from her in a gooey, warm hug that you can even feel through a phone call or a video chat. I Love her and am beginning to love me too. What’s more, I Love telling my friends that I know a living, breathing Master of Love!!!”
— Joe

The Year End/New Year Workshop you need!
What Was & What Will Be 2024-2025

Welcome Love! I’m glad you’re here and that we have this opportunity to connect. Connection is one of my highest powers. There are so many meaningful ways for us to connect, and my website is one of them. Let me show you around…

If you want to get to know a bit about who I am, about me is the place to do that. Also, you could read some of the pieces I have written over the years on the Love Notes Blog or watch some of The Self-Love Vlogs that I have posted.

If you’d like to connect, you can schedule a complementary Self-Love inquiry session, or you could pop over to The Self-Love Movement - a community designed to inspire the experience of ever-expanding Self-Love.

And, if you’re ready to begin to deepen your Self-Love journey, here are a few ways we can do that together:

There are also a few special Self-Love workshops that I offer:

My Love gift to you is the 28 Day Self-Love Journal. It’s a great way to jumpstart your Self-Love Journey.

The most important relationship we have is with ourselves, and all too often it’s the one we spend the least amount of time on. We simply cannot “Love thy neighbor as thyself” if we don’t first Love ourselves.

Take my hand and choose Love with me.


I’d Love to stay in touch.
I promise not to be a spammy email sender.


Take my hand and choose Love with me.

~ Tracey Lee