This might be a wildly unpopular notion, and it might not even sound nice; still, we have got to stop this positivity trend. Because here's the thing: Love is never going to ask you to lie. Love doesn't want you to be dishonest. All of these messages about staying positive are not messages of Love. The truth is if you feel sad, feel sad, and if you are grieving, grieve. If you are tired and weary and worn out from all of this, then feel that. Feel whatever you are feeling, stay in the flow. Don't resist your own disappointment, outrage, anger, frustration, overwhelm, because when you do that, it's like you're trying to shove a bunch of beach balls under water all at one time, and it doesn't work.
Tracey Lee, creator of The Self-Love Movement, is a wise and articulate mystic and teacher. Tracey Lee's genuine, Loving, direct, no-holds-barred style facilitates a tidal wave of Love. She powerfully guides her clients to shift out of darkness and illusion into the light of their phenomenal true self. Tracey Lee is an empathetic change agent for those who are truly ready for their life to be different.