Love Thy Self

Love Thy Self

On a scale of 1-10 how much self-love are you rocking right now? Most of us don't spend a lot of time falling in love with ourselves. Most of us don't consider self-love at all.

How's that inner dialogue? That inner voice? Is it critical, judgmental, shamming, harsh, mean even? Yup, as it is for most of us. How can we even attempt to love others as we love ourself while our inner voice is being a big meany pants? Is it any wonder why our world looks like it does today? Nope, not really. Wanna change it? You can you know.

If you truly want the world to be more peaceful, joy-filled, loving, kind, compassionate (who doesn't really?), start noticing your inner dialogue. Can you gently shift that voice to be more loving? How many times can you catch yourself doing good today? Can you make a list of 5 stellar things about yourself today, and add 5 new ones tomorrow, and the next day and the next?

That's a great start. Well done.

I love you

We are able to live our best life

We are able to live our best life

No More Mind Fuckery

No More Mind Fuckery